Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Progress Report

OK! So now that im a big 20 year old, I have buckled down and done some work - finally :P Whoever said I came here to party, this is to prove you (half) wrong :) I have compiled a list of work I have to do, my deadline is Jan. 22nd; the real deadline set by the FH is Jan 29th.

Last night at 2:09am I finished my sketch of Marilyn Monroe that I had to do for Materials and Ausdruck. Personally, I think its the best sketch i've ever done. And because of this, I took 'progress' photos, which I think is quite interesting :P

I finished Hugo, my oil painting, the day before my birthday at 2:54am. I like it, aside from the teeth which remind me somewhat of a horse. But, ehhhh! Cant be bothered touching it up for fear of messing it up further.

I've almost finished my class for Customer Relations Communication... After sitting through the first class (torture, thanks to my birthday hangover) I quite like it, and hope that I understand the assignment! The funniest part of class: I went with them to the Bräustübl Tavern in Mülln- a famous beer garten- on Thursday :) My class invited me to come along and they invited the tutor along too!! It was so fun. They're all lovely and older than me- about to graduate with Masters! We had good conversation, about politics and history and beer... :)

I completed my poster for Design Compilation on Jan 11th too, its kind of like what I did last semester with Visual Communication. My tutor said he liked it, which is a good sign... Its a stupid class, but in the end we did come up with a marketing concept and did some interesting things, so... Good :) (I cant seem to upload it with the normal colours, it goes blue and green, so- grrr!)

Yesterday (a Saturday), believe it or not, this party-mad lunatic cancelled the party for this evening because she spent 12 hours working in the third floor common room with Wolfy to finish our group project!! We painted Super Mario Land, and after it dries we are going to paint our own characters into the area. I'm going to draw a flying sheep above the door... We finished in the wee hours of the morning, I got home at 1am, but that was after taking off all the masking tape lines, picking up all the shit from all over the floor, attacking each other with the blue paint, etc etc. And, as I write this, I'm still covered in paint. A good look :)

Thus, I am very happy right now, because crossing things off my To Do list is very satisfying! Only Media Mix and a few more art pieces to finish! WOOHOO!!

And, in other news:
  • TASHA MIGHT COME AND VISIT!!! But thats all I know thus far..!!!
  • It got so cold here, the river FROZE!! It was insane!
  • I have a couch surfer coming to stay!! His name is Dave, 19 from London, and he arrives on Wednesday to sleep on my couch :)
  • We went to Germany to party for Tobi's birthday on Friday
BEST BIT OF NEWS: I DROVE THEM HOME!!!!!!! It was even a manual!! Which was weird changing gears with my right hand, and admittedly I did stall, but only ever in the car park!! I even did a U-turn, Three point turn, and a parallel park- which was GOOD! HAHAHA So happy :) Did I mention I was the only sober one, and had 4 people in the back seat? Kylea was a pillow, and Kathi did not stop screaming the whole way. But it was fine, I stuck to the speed limit and Kathi didnt die of a heart-attack!

Think thats it :)

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