Monday, September 22, 2008

Volleyball and other such lovelies

We played volleyball today!!

It was so much fun! The only time i’ve ever seen it was when Alex and I watched it at the Olympics. And it looks WAY easier than it actually is!! I suck going to the net, cant really hit it in the right direction, or serve… Well, my serve got better, but otherwise, not so good :P

BUT! Our team did win the second game, I was in Jordi, Daniel, and ..... (insert name here)’s team. They are very good. Kylea came over after her walk and joined in, but we mostly just stood there and commented on stuff. I also laughed a lot :)

But, playing in a team again made me miss netball, so i asked (Robert? I dont know, the guy from Colonge...) whether i could borrow the ball and shoot some hoops. Turns out, he has a basketball too! So I went and grabbed that, then the left overs from the volleyball game decided we’d play “Street ball”

I was very excited, you know, thinking it would be quite like netball…

ITS NOT!!!!!!!!!!

The ball is heavier, its a lot more aggressive, theres NO distance/obstruction (i just dont get it!) and i didnt get the rules. I was guarding Kylea, but just kept wacking her on the wrist…

Oh well…

Haha, and just for Celeste-- I fucked my finger!! Dont worry babe, i walked it off, but now its fat as. Guess what finger!!!!!!!!!

Stupid egg :P

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