Saturday, November 22, 2008


It has finally become a winter wonderland here in Salzburg!!!

We arrived home from Schladming last night, to find our little Puch paradise covered in a fairly thick coating of snow!! It is very, very beautiful! The snow is so light and fluffy and, to quote Anna, the flakes kind of float... We threw a few snowballs, just to get into the winter mood, then went to bed to dream of other winter lovelies, like snowmen, skiing and Glühwein :)

And this morning-- MORE SNOW!!! All the grass outside the building, and the volleyball courts, and the trees, all covered, white! So at 11:30 we went outside to frolic about in the snow!! It was so much fun, more snowballs, snow angels, snow fights, rolling Rita down the hill, snow wrestling, and funny photos! Its so so so great :D

I love Austria....

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