Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween @ Campus

Man, we looked good. Its amazing how with a bit of make up, some creativity and some alcohol, we turn from perfectly fantastic human beings to crazed zombies, devils, pumpkins, and mummies!

Well, to be perfectly honest, Marcin was the only mummy present at the party, wrapped up in 10 rolls of toilet paper. He looked great!! Anna was an evil pumpkin, even though some random girls figured she was a slutty pumpkin, which seemed to be the onrunning joke of the night from there on...

It started out slow, with the candles lit and everyones costumes in tact. Then, as more people arrived and more was drunk, we let loose! It was funny also, because there was also a halloween party on the second floor, but ours was way cooler and they all came upstairs, even the DJ!! The decorations were awesome, and i provided the orange and white cobwebs, but later on was attacked with them thanks to Anna and Sebastian, so that wasnt so fun :P

So, as you might have noticed, we had a super dooper jack-o-lantern, made from an actual pumpkin! it was huge, and apparently it came from Sebastians garden, which i thought was really cool... Anyway, Rambo (Freddie) decided it would be a great idea if he took the pumpkin for a little walk...

The walk ended in disaster :( Rambo threw the pumpkin out the window...

Later on in the evening, and i dont really remember when or why, Freddie's shirt got ripped off (i did partake in that event) then off came Oriol's, Daniel's and Javi's as well. Then, someone had the amazing idea (probably Fredrik) to burn them!! The entire erasmus group ended up outside jumping over this mini bonfire they'd created from burning t-shirts, newspapers, a cardboard box and bits of pumpkin... So insane!!

After that, I went upstairs and began sorting out the mess that was the third floor common room, then went to my own room to sort out that mess. After a brief visit back downstairs to the remaining fire dancers, I came home and got to talk to Mr Alex and Little D.

Anywho, a good night all round :)

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